Sushi Restaurant in Kanagawa Prefecture
The sushi chef Miyoshisushi Mr. Daisuke Michiki gave us his comments of “Maboroshi” as follows:
“Everyone was impressed by Mr. Ichikawa’s commitment and grit. The dehydration method and Umami taste are very impressive, truly a mirage! A gem that is only understood by those who know, it really is a mirage.

店舗名 | 男前 みよし鮨 |
所在地 | 〒251-0871 神奈川県藤沢市善行1丁目14番23号 |
TEL | 0466-82-2588 |
営業時間 | 11時~14時 16時~22時 |
定休日 | 月曜日 |
Japanese restaurant in White Rock, Canada
The owner and chef Taka’s Sushi Mr.Michael gave us his comments of “Maboroshi” as follows:
“Every customer who had the sea urchin said it was delicious. I personally prefer the miso flavor, but they are all very delicious. We currently have many customers who look forward to buying the sea urchin!”

15208 Pacific Ave.
White Rock BC V4B 1P7
Sushi Restaurant in Chiyoda, Tokyo
The owner of Suhi Mizukami, Mr. Yukinobu Mizukami has given us his comment on “Maboroshi” as follows: “It was my first time finding a processed product such as Maboroshi that I have personally found delicious! It was truly a newfound deliciousness, thank you!”

鮨 みずかみ
東京都千代田区一番町3-8 大宮ビル1階
電話 03-3230-0326
営業時間 昼 12:00〜14:00 / 夜 18:00〜21:00メニュー昼 ¥16,500〜 / 夜 ¥22,000〜
定休日 水曜日
Japanese Restaurant in Tokushima
The representative director of Michiyotei, Mr. Kenji Motoki has given us his comments of “Maborshi” as follows: “I was able to experience flavors that cannot be attained with raw sea urchins. After serving it to one of my regular customers, their family truly enjoyed the product. His daughter became a fan of the sea urchins! I will continue to order the products when I am able to! Thank you very much.”

住所 徳島県板野郡藍住町住吉字神蔵176
営業時間 9:00~22:00
定休日 不定休